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267-981-5047 (Levittown)
or 215-347-0777 (Buckingham)

Stages Academy Summer Camp Code of Conduct
It is the Stages Academy Camp’s goal to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment for all campers. Campers are expected to follow the camp rules and to interact appropriately in a group setting.
Camp Rules:
To treat myself, others, and our camp with Care, Honesty, and Respect.
To follow directions and instructions from staff.
To stay with my group and counselor at all times unless given permission to do otherwise.
To keep my hands, feet, and all other body parts to myself.
To be responsible for my personal belongings.
To respect the camp facilities, equipment, and property.
To use appropriate language and actions at all times.
To respect other campers and staff.
To Have Fun!!
If your child chooses to disobey the camp rules, we will take the following steps:
1. Staff will redirect the camper to a more appropriate behavior and remind him/her of the camp rules.
2. If the behavior persists, the camper will be placed in time-out and will lose minutes of current activity. The staff will document the situation by filling out a Discipline Report.
3. If a child’s behavior at any time threatens the immediate safety of themselves, other children, or staff, the parent will be notified and expected to pick up the child immediately.
4. Continuing disruptive behavior may result in a suspension or expulsion from the summer camp program.
If your child is being sent home because they are not following the camp rules, or they are being disruptive to the rest of the campers, he/she will be placed in the Office until they are picked up. Campers must be picked up within one hour.
Please note that if you are contacted to pick up your child from camp due to behavior issues, you will not receive a credit/refund for that day.
If we decide to terminate your child’s camp enrollment due to behavior issues, you will not receive a credit/refund. If a child is expelled from camp they may not return to camp in the future.
If your child is expelled from camp, siblings of that child may continue to attend camp. However, if you decide to remove your other children from camp, you are still responsible for paying for all the days/weeks the siblings were originally enrolled for.