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267-981-5047 (Levittown)
or 215-347-0777 (Buckingham)
Stages Academy offers a unique and exceptional preschool program with a strong emphasis on the arts. Students receive daily classes in language arts, math/science, piano, dance, drama, foreign studies, library/technology, and art.

We offer 2- 5 days per week options.
“Our school is a very special place,” states owner, Deena Fischer. “We strive to provide our students with a unique experience. Not only do we have exceptional, experienced teachers, we also keep our classes small to ensure that all students get the individual help and attention they require to grow and harness their innate creativity.”
“Teaching children reading and writing are vitally important in their early education, but these skills alone are not enough,” says Deena. “By putting arts and academics on an even playing field– exposing children to music, art, dance, and drama as well as reading, writing, math, technology, and science — we challenge a child’s entire brain and create critical thinkers, problem solvers, and more overall well-rounded children.
We want to teach children not only to learn but to dream, create and grow, encouraging them to develop a lifelong love of learning.”
Developing social and interpersonal skills is also an important part of the preschool experience and our classroom environment offers a myriad of opportunities to apply the skills that they are learning in real-world and play situations. Children are provided with opportunities to promote cooperation, negotiation, leadership, and teamwork, as well as physical fitness and both gross and fine motor skill development.
Quickly changing classes keep your preschool child engaged, learning, and having fun!
The academic program is based on the Reggio Emilia Approach, which uses investigative learning to teach children how to think and problem solve. Deena says, “Since children are moving quickly from one class to another, they are more able to stay focused and involved in each individual subject and are less likely to become bored and inattentive. As a whole, using this method, children are able to retain more information and progress more quickly.” We keep class sizes small with approximately a 6:1 student/teacher ratio so that each child can receive the individualized attention that they need and deserve.
Since the program is learning-based, rather than play-based, it develops a child’s maturity level and readies them for Kindergarten ahead of their peers who attend primarily play-based preschools or daycare centers.
As you wander through the school you see children actively participating in classroom lessons. There are children sitting at pianos wearing headphones in one room, kids tap dancing in another room, and still, others sitting in circle time. At the same time, the drama class is actively working on a puppet theater production and the entire place is humming. But, the thing that is most noticeable, is how happy and engaged each of the children is in their tasks and how closely and harmoniously they are getting to work with their teachers and peers.
The Blog
How Many Days Per Week Should Your Child Be in Preschool?
So you’ve decided that it’s time that your child should be in preschool. But how do you decide how many days per week is right for them? While there are certainly financial considerations and family considerations when you’re making the decision, there are some child-based considerations as well.
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5 Top Tips for Diffusing Drop Off Drama
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The Top 3 Signs That Your Child is Ready for Preschool
Is your child ready for Preschool? Many parents question whether their child is ready for an academic program (rather than a daycare/play type program) before they enroll them. Everyone thinks that their child is the smartest and most talented child in the world, but does that make them ready for preschool?
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